Project 4 - Storyboard and Tutorial


Here's the tutorial I did and my result

Here is my storyboard as well, it will be about suicide prevention:


  1. I like what you have so far, I think the rain is really convincing in the video you uploaded. I'm a bit confused between the correlation of the storyboard and the intention for your PSA. Either way, I'm excited to see what your finished project looks like!

  2. You could possibly add this rain effect onto an ocean scene to give a darker mood to your ocean conservation project.

  3. Honestly I really like what you have so far and I think it's interesting how you went from talking about suicide prevention originally to talking about oceans. I definitely think you could incorporate this rain effect you did for your tutorial into your new idea to give it a darker feeling since it seems like your talking about ocean conservation, which can be a depressing topic itself. I can't wait to see how it turns out!

  4. The rain effect is really nice. Have you tried putting rain sound effects over it as well? I have used the rain effect in a couple of videos I've made, it's challenging when you switch through shots and have to change the direction of the rain.


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